Read through the poem with the students.Identify the word DARK and have students count how many times that word appears in the poem.Identify high-frequency words students are already learning … In, a, the, and, was.Identify all of the places in the poem and reinforce new vocabulary words.Review the words to the poem with the visual ( click to download).Lesson 2: In a Dark, Dark Wood – Unpitched Percussion On the third telling ask students to join in speaking as much of the poem as they are able while still patting their legs with their fingertips on the word DARK.
I cover many different objectives utilizing the text of this poem, here are a few: Lesson 1: In a Dark, Dark Wood – Poem
In a dark, dark wood, there was a dark, dark house,Īnd in that dark, dark house, there was a dark, dark room,Īnd in that dark, dark room, there was a dark, dark cupboard,Īnd in that dark, dark cupboard, there was a dark, dark shelf,Īnd in that dark, dark shelf, there was a dark, dark box,Īnd in that dark, dark box, there was a Ghost!